Functions and Objectives of Introduction to Management

Functions and Objectives of Introduction to Management
management itself is a series of stages of activities starting from the beginning to carry out activities until the achievement of the objectives of the activity. The division of functions in management according to several management experts, including:

1. According to Dalton E.M.C. Farland (1990) in "Management Principles and Management", the management function is divided into 3 namely:
(Planning) Planning.
(Organizing) Organizing.
(Controlling) Supervision.
2. According to George R. Ferry (1990) in the "Principles of Management", the management process is divided into 4 namely:
(Planning) Planning.
(Organizing) Organizing.
(Controlling) Supervision.
(Activating) Implementation.
3. According to H. Koontz and O'Donnel (1991) in "The Principles of Management", management processes and functions are divided into 4 namely:
(Planning) Planning.
(Organizing) Organizing.
(Controlling) Supervision.
(Directing) Briefing.
Functions - Introduction to Management
Following are the functions of management.

Planning function
Basically, planning is a decision making process that is the basis for economic activities and effective in the future.

Organizing function
Organizing Functions can be defined as the process of creating relationships between functions, personalization and physical factors so that activities must be carried out, integrated and directed towards the achievement of common goals.

Briefing function
Direction is a management function that stimulates actions to actually be carried out.

Coordinating function
A coordinated effort in which employee activities are harmonious, directed and integrated to achieve common goals.

Oversight function
The oversight function essentially regulates whether the activity complies with the requirements specified in the plan to achieve the objectives.

Introduction to Future Management Concepts
Management aims to improve productivity, ROI and quality of human life.
Management bases its actions on quantitative aspects as well as human behavior.
Future management will face the issue of inflation, increasingly scarce resources, social and cultural values of society, technology, employee and management relations, ethics and social responsibility, conflicts and globalization.
Future management will face problems that come from the industrial sector with services and for that we need information that is sought with good management information systems.

Principles for Introduction to Management
 Management principles are the basic principles or work guidelines that should not be ignored by every manager / leader. In practice, efforts must be made to ensure that the principles of management are not rigid, but rather flexible, which can be changed according to need. Management principles consist of:
Equitable division of labor In distributing tasks and types to all work relatives, a manager should be fair, that is, he must behave equally and provide a balanced workload.
Giving authority and a clear and clear sense of responsibility Every working relative or employee should be given full authority to carry out their duties properly and take responsibility directly to their superiors.
Unity of orders Every employee or working relative should only receive one type of order from a direct supervisor (foreman / section head / section head), not from several people who both feel to be the supervisor of the employee / working relative.
Discipline is the willingness to carry out a real business or activity (working in accordance with the type of work that is the duty and responsibility) based on the planned plan, regulations and time (work time).
Unity of direction The activity should have the same goal and be led by a direct supervisor and be based on the same work plan (one goal, one plan, and one leader). If this principle is not implemented then a split will arise between the working relatives / employees. Because some are given many tasks and some are few, even though they have the same ability (Dayat, n.d, pp.7-9).

Fields - Introduction to Management
Following are the Fields in Management.

Human Resource Management.
Operations or Production Management
Strategy Management.
Marketing Management.
Financial management.
Information Technology Management.